Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Life

I understand my self every minute as stepping into a new day.
Life is just not about every seconds change. Change and change.
Nothings new but nothings boring even.
Everyday people are learning something new, biggest healer and teacher time is teaching the best what man can do.
What are we here for? To listen, learn , admire , get admired, understand,love and then die.
What are we here for, what's the motive of the GOD, what he wants from this world
or what he wants to give to this world.
All is so unknown but births take place, life is continued , the only planet bearing the grace of life is shining blue in the sky.
What to do after this life, after I go leaving every precious thing earned. what will I be rewarded with.
Is life so b'ful?
Why can't I make all from this life.
don't know about my future or whose directing it but yes this time I have to snatch the remote from his hand if I want to rule this world.....................Rule my world.